Connector Development Kit (CDK)
Check out the Connector Development Kit page for more information.
Connector Development Kit
Usage: cdk <COMMAND>
build Build the Connector in the current working directory
test Build and run the Connector in the current working directory
generate Generate new SmartConnector project
deploy Deploy the Connector from the current working directory
publish Publish Connector package to the Hub
version Display version information
hub Work with Connectors hub
set-public Set connector visibility to public
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
Build the Connector in the current working directory
Usage: cdk build [OPTIONS] [-- <EXTRA_ARGUMENTS>...]
[EXTRA_ARGUMENTS]... Extra arguments to be passed to cargo
--release <RELEASE> Release profile name [default: release]
--target <TARGET> Provide target platform for the package. Optional. By default
the host's one is used [default: aarch64-apple-darwin]
-p, --package-name <PACKAGE_NAME> Optional package/project name
-h, --help Print help
Build and run the Connector in the current working directory
Usage: cdk test [OPTIONS] [-- <EXTRA_ARGUMENTS>...]
[EXTRA_ARGUMENTS]... Extra arguments to be passed to cargo
--release <RELEASE> Release profile name [default: release]
--target <TARGET> Provide target platform for the package. Optional. By default
the host's one is used [default: aarch64-apple-darwin]
-p, --package-name <PACKAGE_NAME> Optional package/project name
-c, --config <PATH> Path to configuration file in YAML format [default:
-s, --secrets <PATH> Path to file with secrets. Secrets are 'key=value' pairs
separated by the new line character. Optional
-h, --help Print help
Generate new SmartConnector project
Usage: cdk generate [OPTIONS] [NAME]
SmartConnector Project Name
--destination <PATH>
Local path to generate the SmartConnector project. Default to directory with project name,
created in current directory
Disable interactive prompt. Take all values from CLI flags. Fail if a value is missing
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Deploy the Connector from the current working directory
Usage: cdk deploy [OPTIONS] [-- <EXTRA_ARGUMENTS>...] <COMMAND>
start Start new deployment for the given connector config
shutdown Shutdown the Connector's deployment
list Print the list of all deployed connectors
log Print the connector's logs
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
[EXTRA_ARGUMENTS]... Extra arguments to be passed to cargo
--release <RELEASE> Release profile name [default: release]
--target <TARGET> Provide target platform for the package. Optional. By default
the host's one is used [default: aarch64-apple-darwin]
-p, --package-name <PACKAGE_NAME> Optional package/project name
-h, --help Print help
Start new deployment for the given connector config
Usage: cdk deploy start [OPTIONS] --config <PATH>
-c, --config <PATH> Path to configuration file in YAML format
-s, --secrets <PATH> Path to file with secrets. Secrets are 'key=value' pairs separated by
the new line character. Optional
--ipkg <PATH> Deploy from local package file
--log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Log level for the connector process [default: ]
-h, --help Print help
Shutdown the Connector's deployment
Usage: cdk deploy shutdown <--config <PATH>|--name <CONNECTOR_NAME>>
-c, --config <PATH> Path to configuration file in YAML format
-n, --name <CONNECTOR_NAME> Name of the connector to shutdown
-h, --help Print help
Print the list of all deployed connectors
Usage: cdk deploy list
-h, --help Print help
Print the connector's logs
Usage: cdk deploy log <--config <PATH>|--name <CONNECTOR_NAME>>
-c, --config <PATH> Path to configuration file in YAML format
-n, --name <CONNECTOR_NAME> Name of the running connector
-h, --help Print help
Publish Connector package to the Hub
Usage: cdk publish [OPTIONS] [PACKAGE_META]
--release <RELEASE>
Release profile name
[default: release]
--target <TARGET>
Provide target platform for the package. Optional. By default the host's one is used
[default: aarch64-apple-darwin]
-p, --package-name <PACKAGE_NAME>
Optional package/project name
--ipkg <IPKG>
path to the ipkg file, used when --push is specified
don't ask for confirmation of public package publish
do only the pack portion
given a packed file do only the push
--remote <REMOTE>
--readme <README>
Relative path to this connector package README
[default: ./]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Display version information
Usage: cdk version
-h, --help Print help
Work with Connectors hub
Usage: cdk hub <COMMAND>
list List all available SmartConnectors
download Download SmartConnector to the local folder
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
List all available SmartConnectors
Usage: cdk hub list [OPTIONS]
-O, --output <type>
[default: table]
[possible values: table, yaml, json]
--remote <REMOTE>
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Download SmartConnector to the local folder
Usage: cdk hub download [OPTIONS] <name>
SmartConnector name: e.g. infinyon/http-sink@vX.Y.Z
-o, --output <PATH>
Target local folder or file name
--target <TARGET>
Target platform for the package. Optional. By default the host's one is used
[default: aarch64-apple-darwin]
--remote <REMOTE>
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Set connector visibility to public
Usage: cdk set-public [OPTIONS]
--release <RELEASE> Release profile name [default: release]
--target <TARGET> Provide target platform for the package. Optional. By default
the host's one is used [default: aarch64-apple-darwin]
-p, --package-name <PACKAGE_NAME> Optional package/project name
-h, --help Print help